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"Finding Solutions for Acute, Sub-Acute and Chronic Pain to help you live a better life”763.416.1400
Dr. Trobiani has been a lifesaver for me. He was able to locate and resolve the source of my pain when other specialists could not. Thank you, Dr. Trobiani
My pain started over three years ago with just shoulder pain – ended up going in to regular Dr. and gave me a cortisone shot that same day. It lasted about a year and went back in for same shot. Third time around only lasted 8 months and got the shot yet again. I was in more pain this last time around – it was not only my shoulder that was sore but my forearm. I was referred to Dr. Trobiani by a couple friends and made an appointment and during his routine check of the pain – he touched a spot under my arm by my rib cage and instant tears came down my face – he found the spot and it isn’t my shoulder directly. Started going to Northstar Pain and Care for massage therapy and trigger shots two times a week for first four weeks. Seemed to help I was getting back into doing what I wanted to do and that was to play ball with my son! I still am attending but not as often. We narrowed the cause of it and it has to do with one of my jobs carrying with that arm – takes a toll on it. I still do the job but, not as frequent. And I can tell later that day after going to the job that I am in pain. I am very happy with my outcome from Dr. Trobiani and his staff. Since going, I am very pleased on where I am at.
K. N.
Dear Dr. Trobiani (and Dr. Asinger and Jeff of course!),
T. M.
Thank you VERY MUCH for your kind attention to my back pain/stiffness/etc. I am truly grateful that I found my way to your clinic(s). At first, the changes were quite subtle but when I decided to try working in my gardens (something I enjoy immensely!) I noticed a dramatic change. I realized after the first couple FULL days digging, weeding, splitting HUGE hostas that for the first time in a VERY LONG time. I was sleeping like a baby with no back spasms! Other than the two days I took off for my cervical injections (& Valium) I have been in the yard every day! I’ve actually become kind of obsessed (over-the-top) with getting up early and working hard. I am realizing how miserable I’d become feeling that I couldn’t do anything without causing pain and misery. I know you like to have me “rate” things, so…on the scale of gratitude, I am without a doubt a 10!
I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am for the services that Northstar Pain provided to me. I thought I was at a dead end with my pain, though with their knowledge & excellent services I was able to get back to doing the things I love again!